Lookouts New Stadium

Chattanooga South Broad
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Why Do The Lookouts Need A New Stadium?


The biggest reaction  I’ve seen is why do the Lookouts need a new stadium, they don’t even fill the one they have. It isn’t a capacity issue, it’s about compliance with the MLBs restructuring that began in 2019 with goals to improve players working conditions. The Lookouts aren’t threatening to leave Chattanooga if they don’t get a new stadium like some have assumed. Basically the MLB told Chattanooga to stop being slumlords or else we will give our players a better work location.


What’s Wrong With AT&T Field The Way It Is?


The current stadium is 22 years old and when it was built it met the standards the MLB had in place.  Overall the stadium isn’t falling into disrepair or anything but it does have some significant issues that were overlooked. It is not the most accessible field for people with mobility issues as it sits on top of a giant hill and is difficult to drop people off at the doors and then go find parking. And really, it faces the sun y’all. I don’t know about you but I don’t enjoy being blinded while waiting to sing my favorite song in all of sports.


Why Can’t We Just Upgrade The Current Stadium?


When it was built they used aluminum beam construction instead of steel beams so it couldn’t be upgraded to meet the new standards even if they had the room to meet the other standards with upgrades.


Why Do MLB Standards Matter For A Minor League Team?


The Chattanooga Lookouts are part of the Cincinnati Reds organization. Simply put they are kind of the Reds JV team. But ya know, they get to live in a way more beautiful city.


How Much Will The New Lookouts Stadium Cost Taxpayers?


The stadium costs 80 million total HOWEVER that is not coming out of the taxpayers pockets. The City of Chattanooga will be paying 1.5 million dollars and Hamilton County will be paying 1.5 million dollars. Sidenote: 1.5 million is 0.5% of the city yearly operating budget according to what I’ve been told. However I have not been able to verify that. The stadium bond payments will be made over a 30 year period.

During that 30 year lease neither the city or the county will be required to pay for maintenance and upkeep with the stadium. The Lookouts will be covering that cost for the entirety of the lease.


MLB Wants A New Stadium, Why Don’t They Pay For It?


The Lookouts will be paying 1 million dollars a year in rent starting out with it increasing over time. For reference the Titans pay 362,000 year for Nissan stadium according to Nashville.gov So for a team “that doesn’t even fill their stadium now” that seems like a pretty decent investment into Chattanooga by the Lookouts to me.


How Does The New Stadium Benefit The Community?


There are provisions in the Tennessee’s state budget that allowing Chattanooga to keep a majority of the states sales tax on items sold inside the stadium.  Hamilton County schools will be getting 40 million dollars in new funding because of the South Broad development. And the Stadium is expected to bring in 90 million dollars over 30 years. If I gave you a dollar fifty and you gave me 90 dollars back that would be an investment I would be alright with.

The South Broad project also will be cleaning up the creepy abandoned foundry property (you can’t tell me it isn’t even a little creepy looking) revitalizing an abandoned part of town while preserving and re using many of the historic buildings on the property.

There will also be other events held at this new stadium as well, with Lookouts games projected to only be 20% of the events taking place in the stadium.


What Is Going To Happen With The Old Stadium?


The land AT&T field is on is owned by Sport Authority Board of Chattanooga. At the time of writing this I was not able to find information on their current plans, however I will be keeping an eye out for any changes and will let you know as soon as I find out. If you happen to find out sooner don’t hesitate to leave a comment or send me a message. I’m just as curious as you.


What is this whole South Broad District All About?


There was a study done on 400 acres just south of downtown Chattanooga with the purpose of creating a realistic plan for the revitalization of the area. You can read more about that here. The South Broad District is the results of that study and I will be writing a more in depth article on that as well. Until then you can check out their website here.


Ok, But Will I Be Facing The Sun At Lookouts Games?


No. That issue is being corrected. I think we can all be thankful for that.


Are there any other questions you have about the new stadium that I didn’t cover? Leave a comment below and let me know your opinions.





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