Chattin With Coie Fall Facts

Fall Fun Facts

With yesterday being the first official day of Fall what better topic for Fun Fact Friday than Fall?

People born in the Fall are more likely to live longer

The University of Chicago did a research study showing that more people that live to 100 were born in the Fall than any other season. Scientists weren’t able to find exact reasoning for this, but there is a theory that babies born in Fall are exposed to more seasonal illnesses and that impacts their longevity.

According to Greek mythology Fall has a sad origin

Let’s take a quick trip back to High School, Coie style. Demeter was the goddess of harvest and lived on Mount Olympus with the other fancy pants gods and goddesses. She super loved her daughter Persephone, who by the way was super pretty. I’m talking flowers growing where she walked kind of pretty. Now, Hades was the god of the underworld so he wasn’t used to seeing a lot of pretty stuff and he was a sad lonely dude. He develops a crush on Persephone and decides he wants to make her his Queen. So he kidnaps her because wooing her would have been too much work I guess. Demeter is upset about this, naturally, and her grief causes all the crops to die and the harvest ruined. That is how Fall as a season came to be.

People have an instinct to fall in love in Autumn

Cuffing season is a real thing. When the temperature outside lowers, people biologically want to feel closer to others. The reds, yellows, oranges, and browns that are associated with Fall are associated with heightened emotions and passion. There have been researched studies done on why Fall is the best time to start a new relationship and the biological cues people take from nature are unbelievable.

Fall is caused by the Earth’s tilt not the distance from the sun

Seasons are caused by the Earth’s tilt on its axis. When the South Pole starts to tip towards the sun the weather gets colder and the days get shorter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Fall foliage is a top tourism money maker

The tourism industry is divided into several subgroups and Fall foliage is one of the top groups when it comes to bringing in tourism money. While New England does rank top on Fall tourism destinations for leaf peeping, Chattanooga and other areas in  Southern Appalachia are wonderful places to experience the season as well.

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