Netflix Christmas Movies That Don’t Suck
While Hallmark Christmas movies tend to all be the same story with mostly the same actors set in the same places, these Christmas movies on Netflix have a few different stories and are worth the watch.
Chattanooga Christmas Bucket List
Chattanooga is one of my favorite cities and it especially sparkles at Christmas time. I personally plan on doing every single thing on the bucket list this year and hope you get the chance to do at least some of them too!
Nashville Christmas Bucket List
The best Nashville Christmas events to add to your holiday bucket list this year. Get in the Christmas Spirit Nashville style.
Christmas Bucket List
Christmas is more than just a day, it's an entire season and y'all know by now how I am with seasons. Always have to have that bucket list of events and things to do to truly enjoy the season.
5 underrated cities you don’t want to miss out on
There are so many cool cities and towns across the US it's easy to get caught up on the few that have the best tourism budget or are the most well known. It's important to look past those and pay attention to some of the more underrated cities, so I'm sharing 5 of my favorites.
Kick Ass Love Language Date Night Ideas
When thinking about all the Christmas idea posts I have coming up I got so excited to share some other "date night" ideas as well a little earlier. Now, date night doesn't have to be a romantic situation - it can also be a night with your best friend, or even yourself. I mean lets get real. You're pretty spectacular, why wouldn't you wanna take yourself out for a fun date night? This month I have some fun ideas for when you're stuck trying to come up with things to do based on your love language.
15 Things Only A Dog Can Teach You
To celebrate the second anniversary of the day Bruno graced the earth with his presence (aka his 3rd birthday) I'm sharing 15 things learned from dogs
Be a Traveler not a Tourist
If you only ever listen to one thing I say, let it be this. DO NOT BE A TOURIST. Travel. Travel far and wide and as often as you can, but be a traveler not a tourist.
Fake Fall
You wake up one day in September and it feels like Fall. You pull out your favorite cute fall outfits and your pumpkin scented candles and get excited about the day. The next thing you know it's lunch time it's 90 degrees and you're desperately searching your car for those shorts you know you left in there last week.
10 Things To Know About Me
Hey! I'm so glad you found yourself here on the blog. No matter how you found yourself here, you're probably wondering just who exactly Coie is and why does she have so damn many questions. Here are 10 things about me that will hopefully answer that question for you. Let me know in the comments below which fact surprised you the most.