5 Facts Book lovers need to know about Audible

Audible Coie

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Most book nerds have some very strong opinions about Audible when it comes to ‘counting’ as reading a book or not.  I used to be one of those people until someone set me down and told me I was was being kind of dumb and gatekeeping reading. Seriously, they said that. If you find yourself with opinions like mine used to be, these 5 facts are going to blow you away.

Audible is not a replacement for books


I originally wasn’t a fan of audible because I thought of it as more of a “book on tape” which it absolutely is not. Audible isn’t out here trying to replace books or reading it’s giving people another way to devour books and gives them time to enjoy books when they may not have had the time to read.

I’ve listened to books while driving on a road trip instead of having a dance party in the Jeep for 6 hours. That is a time that I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the world Colleen Hoover creates if it wasn’t for the app giving me that ability.

Audible opens up a new world of reading


Some people don’t enjoy reading. How many times have you heard someone say, or even said yourself “reading is boring”. I know. That one hits me right in the feels too. With Audible people are able to listen to a story while working out or going for a relaxing stroll. Yeah, I know relaxing stroll sounds like something a granny would do. But walking sounds lame too so we’re just gonna live with it.

People being able to learn that reading isn’t boring, they were just reading the wrong kinds of books is something they may only be able to do with Audible. I mean, if you think something is boring you’re not going to go out of your way to sit down and do it, are you?

Audible introduces people to books


So now lets say someone that used to hate reading finds out that sometimes books are down right crazy and way better than movies, right? Now they might decide to give reading another chance and not just enjoy books on the Audible app but also stop by a book store and grab a crazy read.


Being a reading snob is not a good look


Just because you read books instead of listening to them doesn’t make you any better or cooler than people that listen on the Audible app. Gatekeeping a hobby is douchie and we all know you’re not a douche. So before deciding that Audible isn’t as good as reading maybe take a minute to see that while it isn’t the same thing as reading a book it is just as amazing.

Audible makes people happy so don’t judge them


Some people will never love to read. Thats ok. Some people won’t even like to listen to books on apps. Thats alright too. Not everyone likes the same things and thats what makes the world such a beautiful place. If books aren’t someones thing, don’t judge them. No one wants to start a new hobby they feel like is full of snobs. Thats just goofy.


If you are opening your eyes to the world of Audible or if you are new to the world of books and would like to try a free 30 day trial I have a link for you below. Make sure you let me know what two free books you choose to start your Audible journey off! Seriously, I wanna know.

Get your free Audible Trial here 

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