15 Things Only A Dog Can Teach You

To celebrate the second anniversary of the day Bruno graced the earth with his presence (aka his 3rd birthday) I'm sharing 15 things learned from dogs
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When your people come home, always be excited to greet them.




Have you ever had a shit day and came home and not been cheered up by your dog wiggling and wagging all over the place? He isn’t being a spaz because it will cheer you up, he is just happy that you’re home and now you can spend time together. Why wouldn’t you want to be that excited when your people come home too? If you aren’t excited about spending time with them at the end of the day, you probably need to figure out why.




At the end of the day snuggles are always the best option.




No matter how hard to play, or how your day went the best way to end the day is snuggled up with your person. Forget about all the bullshit and get comfy and watch a movie, read a book, or just take a nap. And don’t forget the extra belly rubs. (Bruno wanted to make sure that was added) Cuddling is said to kill depression, anxiety, and strengthen the immune system. Not only is it science, but its dog approved too.




Never stop playing.




Quit taking life so seriously. You aren’t “too old” and you’re damn sure not “too cool” to play. When you chase a ball, don’t half ass it. Chase the damn ball. Sometimes the things you want are way above your head, jump up and catch that shit. You gotta play tug a little and occasionally switch things up and take off running when your people think you’re going to give them something. Make them chase you. Make it fun. Life is not that serious. Enjoy it.




Who cares why your people are excited? They are, so be excited with them!


Have you ever seen a dog not get excited with you when you’re excited? Nope. Me either. Don’t be so concerned with the why someone is excited or if it’s something you would be excited about. They are excited about it so be excited with them damn it. Jump up and down, scream, yell, cry happy tears, bake cupcakes. It doesn’t matter. Just be excited with your people.




Be unapologetic about who you are.


Dogs don’t care about if they should be the way they are, they are just 100% unapologetically themselves. You should be too. Who gives a shit what someone else thinks or if you’re a little bit ‘extra’? Be you baby, you’re the bomb dot com and don’t let anyone ever dull your shine. 




Naps are important.



Full disclosure: I was an asshole to naps as a kid. People told me I would want them later in life. I didn’t believe them. They weren’t wrong. Sometimes a nap is the best thing you can do for yourself. Sometimes you need them, sometimes you want them, sometimes they just happen. No matter what never forget they are important and an extra excuse to get more snuggle time in too. 




Going for a walk is never a bad idea. Adventures are always welcome. 


Get up, get out, and see the world from a different point of view. Walk through a park, walk down the street, smell the flowers, just don’t pee on the neighbors yard.





Trust your instincts.


You get gut feelings for a reason. Listen to them. If someone or something gives you the heebs don’t mess with it. If someone makes you wanna wag your whole tail every time you see them, they are probably pretty alright. 




True unconditional love.


There is no love like the love your dog has for you. No matter how big of a jerk you are or how mean you’ve been your your dogs whole world. Try and be the person your dog thinks you are, and learn to show the same kind of love. 




Sometimes you have to back up your bark with a bite. 


Occasionally your bark isn’t enough. Now I’m not saying go be obnoxious about shit but sometimes the only way people will believe you’re serious is if you follow through and show them. 




Even though the end is painful it’s worth all the years of love.

  I’m not going to lie to you. Losing Gunner was the single hardest most painful thing I have ever dealt with in my entire life and I don’t want to even think about the day I will have to deal with that with Bruno. But in no way, shape, or form was all the amazing moments with Gunner not worth that pain I felt. I still miss him and that is because I was lucky enough to have 9 years of unconditional love with him as my ride or die.   



The most comfortable position may look the goofiest.


Who cares what you look like. Do what is right for you and what works the best. Bonus points if you rock the goofy look unapologetically. 




Never say no to a chance to go for a drive.


Who knows what you will find on any adventure. Some can just be a chill ride to ice cream, others involve sticking your head out the window and enjoying the wind in your face. Never pass up the opportunity for a little extra fun. 




Forgiveness is more important than you realize.


People suck. It’s just how it is. Sometimes you suck too. Facts man. But we have all been forgiven for something and everyone else deserves that same grace. Life just feels better when you don’t hold on to grudges and understand that sometimes people don’t mean to hurt you but accidentally do. Forgive them and get on with your life. 




Sometimes you just gotta kick some grass over that shit and move on.


I know, I know I just told you how important forgiveness is. And it is, when it is deserved. Sometimes people aren’t sorry, things aren’t working the way you want them too, and it’s just time. You’ll know. Just kick some grass over that shit and move on. Theres playing to do and snuggles to be had. Don’t get stuck on the shit, and miss out on everything else. 


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