Your New Favorite Travel Instagram Accounts
Instagram has a million trillion accounts (this is totally an exact number trust me). It can be overwhelming trying to find travel accounts to follow, luckily for you I’m listing four of your new favorite travel Instagram accounts right here. Girl In Alaska Alaska is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been hands down, so already I knew I wanted to follow someone who loves it and wants to share the beauty of the 49th state. Danika is entertaining, knowledgeable, and totally worth your follow. Sometimes her dad guest stars in her stories and you don’t want to miss out on that. (Ps I totally wanna be friends…
How I Became A Chattanooga Blogger
If you’ve followed along for awhile you’ve seen the changes from a less specific Coie’s Questions to Coie: Chattanooga Blogger. For everyone new around here, hi!!!!!!! I’m so glad you’re here, let me tell you how I ended up where I am in the least boring way possible. Pre Chattanooga When I first started out on my podcasting journey I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do besides knowing I wanted to talk to people and learn shit. In a very fun cool way, of course. Eventually my former cohost and I settled on a topic searching for the state with the coolest stereotype in America. (which…
10 Shocking Things About Me
I've been told more than once that I'm full of shocks and surprises. When trying to think of an exciting get to know me post today I figured I would let you know 10 things that may shock you about me. Thats fun right?
Be a Traveler not a Tourist
If you only ever listen to one thing I say, let it be this. DO NOT BE A TOURIST. Travel. Travel far and wide and as often as you can, but be a traveler not a tourist.
10 Things To Know About Me
Hey! I'm so glad you found yourself here on the blog. No matter how you found yourself here, you're probably wondering just who exactly Coie is and why does she have so damn many questions. Here are 10 things about me that will hopefully answer that question for you. Let me know in the comments below which fact surprised you the most.